privacy & Legal

Legal notice

Excluding still images, motion images, artwork, and audio used and displayed under license and creator permission – which remain the property of the respective owner(s) as provided in the governing legal agreement(s) regarding use – Urban Fabric Media Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates reserve all rights to the intellectual property on this website. This includes, among other things: all written content, copyrights, designs and layouts, photographs, plans and drawings, reports, inventions and discoveries, technology, trademarks, logos, slogans, developments, all tangible and intangible expressions of any of the above.

You may not reproduce or use any of the intellectual property on this site without our written consent. All images, logos, trademarks, and associated intellectual property reproduced on this site remains the property of Urban Fabric Media Inc, its subsidiaries, and/or the applicable party(ies) as provided in the governing legal agreement(s) regarding use.

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